EDG 7.4 Release
TopQuadrant is excited to announce TopBraid EDG 7.4 . EDG 7.4 features many improvements requested by customers including a workflow report panel, built-in spell checker, workflows between multiple collections, a new layout engine for the editor panels and additional APIs available through Swagger.
More details about these and other features are provided in the sections below.
Key Improvements of 7.4
Workflows for Multiple Collections
If an asset collection includes other asset collections, and you have sufficient permissions to edit those, then the Start Workflow page will now show check boxes where you can elect to also allow edits to certain included collections.

When you have created a workflow with Also Allow Edits to some other, included asset collection, most of the user experience is identical to normal workflows. However, there are important differences in where the changes will be applied to when the workflow gets committed. By default, when adding new statements to an asset (e.g. on the Form Panel) the new statements will be committed into the “home asset collection” of that asset. This is defined to be the collection where the type statement of the asset resides.
At any point in time, you can consult the Workflow Preview panel to check which statement will go into which asset collection:

Workflow Report Panel
The workflow report panel allows users to see the before and after state changes for selected workflows in a user friendly report.

This panel will replace the Workflow Comparison report, which will be removed in EDG 7.5.
For more details on workflow improvements, please see Workflows
Spell Checker
Problems and Suggestions panel now has the option to suggest spelling corrections. Enabling this option will run the spellchecker against properties whose shape have languages configured using the property `tosh:spellCheckLang` in your Ontology.
See the documentation for more details: Enabling-spellchecking-of-property-values and Problems-and-suggestions-panel

UX Improvements
- The layout engine for the EDG editor has been upgraded to provide a better user experience. The look and feel is very similar but the placement algorithms have been improved. With this, please inform your users of small behavior changes:
- When clicking a new panel from the panels menu, this will be placed in the center of the screen and blue. Just drag this into place from there. The behavior for dragging from the panel menu has not changed.
- Panel titles are refreshed upon focus in the panel.
- Users of Explorer will find simplifications in features of menus that were unnecessary.
- Replace previous contents option on RDF import. Eliminating the need to clear first.
- SPARQL query UX improvements to the SPARQL Query panel and endpoint.
- ADS scripts, GraphQL mutations, Wikidata suggestions, Spreadsheet import and RDF import now reject malformed URIs preventing bad data from entering EDG.
- Last changed user and date now use most recent workflow commit date.
- Microsoft 365 integration for SharePoint now supports client credentials authentication.
TopBraid Web Services
A new Server Administration page is available for Swagger API documentation and testing for services that are not tied to a particular collection, i.e. context free services.

In addition to the new Swagger page several services have been added to Swagger for EDG 7.4 including the SPARQL endpoint, Backup and Restore, Send Projects and more. Please review in your EDG instance after upgrading.
Please see change log above for all other improvements, bug fixes, library upgrades for EDG 7.4.
Improvements and bug fixes for 7.4.1
- Bug fix for interactive setup is fixed
- Upgrade Apache Commons Text to 1.10.0 to fix CVE–2022–42889
- Other bug fixes found in change-log link above
Known Issues 7.4.0
- EDG Permission Management page from Server Administration is broken if any Organizations from the Governance graph are used in setting permissions to collections. This will be fixed in EDG 7.5.0.
- Asset panel checkboxes do not work. This will be fixed in EDG 7.5.1.
- Interactive setup is not available. Please use edg setup properties file instead for new deployments. This is fixed in EDG 7.4.1 release.
Scheduled for Deprecation
- Comparison Report and Workflow Comparison report are being replaced by functions in the editor page. These new features will have export options and scale better than the previous versions.
- RDBMS and single TDB will no longer be available for active database storage types on new deployments.
- “Create Snapshot of EDG” and “Restore Snapshot of EDG” are scheduled for removal in EDG 7.5 as TriG doesn’t preserve namespace prefixes.
- _Count and _Concat will be officially removed in 7.5 from use in the GraphQL schema. These have been deactivated since EDG 6.1 and should no longer be in use. They lead to an explosion of fields and massively increase the size of the GraphQL schemas. Please use SPARQL and ADS instead.
For more details see:
Change Log:
TopBraid Suite Change Log 7.4.0
TopBraid Suite Change Log 7.4.1
TopBraid Suite Change Log 7.4.2
Migrations and Upgrades:
Tue Aug 29 2023 18:13:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)